I just recently re-watched my all-time favorite movie, Chinatown. I love this movie, but when I forget how absolutely brilliant it is if I let too much time lapse between viewings.

From the opening credits which hearken back to the early days of cinema to the final depressing scene, this movie masterfully captures the look and feel of classic film noir.

The mystery surrounding the story is compelling and believable. It takes place in Los Angeles during the 30's and touches on the politics and intrigue surrounding its early days and potential growth into a major metropolis. This plot is interweaved into the lives of the main characters J.J. "Jake" Gittes (Jack Nicholson), Evelyn Cross Mulwray (Faye Dunaway) and Noah Cross (John Huston). While Jack Nicholson is amazing in just about every movie he's in, John Huston definitely steals the show.

I don't want to give too much of the plot away, just trust me. Add this to your Netflix queue or go to your local video store and rent it. You will not be sorry. Its been my top movie for as long as I can remember, and will probably be number one on my list for the foreseeable future.
