A simple game: Go to the address bar in your favorite browser, and type one letter. Start with "a", end with "z".
- A: alistapart.com
- B: bradcolbow.com
- C: clevelandwebstandards.org
- D: drawar.com
- E: eeinsider.com
- F: flickr.com
- G: gowalla.com
- H: hulu.com
- I: iconfactory.com
- J: jquery.com
- K: kbb.com
- L: maniacalrage.net
- M: macrumors.com
- N: nclud.com
- O: oreillynet.com
- P: prettify.tumblr.com
- Q: quirksmode.org
- R: readernaut.com
- S: simplebits.com
- T: twitter.com
- U: uncrate.com
- V: virb.com
- W: weloveicons.com
- X: xkcd.com
- Y: youtube.com
- Z: zeldman.com
Fun game via Tim Van Damme. Good way to spend a few minutes on a Friday morning.